Is biomass power risking tropical deforestation?

Alasdair speaks to Timer Manurung, from NGO Auriga Nusantara, about the sudden growth of the biomass industry in Indonesia.
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“In 2022, Indonesia only consumed about 70,000 tonnes of wood for electricity. In 2023, we consumed almost half a million.”

Alasdair speaks to Timer Manurung, Chairman of the Indonesian NGO Auriga Nusantara, about a new report he has worked on with five other environmental charities.

Titled Unheeded Warnings, the report warns that the Indonesian government’s plans for biomass power risk harming 10 million hectares of untouched primary forest, and “the deforestation of an area roughly 35 times the size of Jakarta — resulting in CO2 emissions almost five hundred times higher than current levels.”

Alasdair and Timer discuss the investigation process, the scale of these potential impacts, and issues within the Indonesian Government. Photos from the investigation are also provided below. 

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