Notes from a disappearing island

A small US town will soon be submerged by rising sea levels, but its residents’ views have been mocked and dismissed on national TV. In an extract from her new book, Anne Helen Toomey explores failings in climate communication.
Destroying nature will aways be profitable

In an extract from his new book, Ståle Holgersen questions the idea that climate change presents an economic threat, arguing that capitalism is flexible enough to make money from both destroying and saving the planet – all at the same time.
Sugar cane is eroding Colombian biodiversity

Biofuels are the latest driver of plantation monocultures eroding biodiversity and Afro-Colombian culture in the Cauca Valley, says María Arango, following a new report.
A Sri Lankan village was offered help from the UN’s Green Climate Fund – now they feel misled

New research looked at an adaptation project funded by the World Bank & UNFCCC-run Green Climate Fund. Instead of helping farmers, it helped their corporate partners.
The Cargill Playbook: how corn subsidies created America’s largest private company

Austin Frerick describes how US farming policy created a grain monopoly, in an extract from his acclaimed 2024 book ‘Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry’.
Europe must act urgently to protect its natural ecosystems

Biodiversity is under threat. The EU Nature Restoration law is crucial to protecting it, says Faustine Bas-Defossez.
Climate crisis is exposing hard truths about commercial forestry

Brutal management practices are making forest increasingly fragile and can no longer be ignored. State-organised forestry is slowly collapsing, says Peter Wohlleben.
Is climate denial over? Not until behaviours change

Society may recognise that climate change exists, but we are still dishonest about solutions. An economic reckoning is due, says Tad DeLay.
Farmers’ protests are about more than green policies

Europe has lost 800 farmers a day since 2010 – the sector has real issues that need fixing. Backtracking on climate will only appease lobbyists, not protesters, says Thin Lei Win.
Eni’s struggles in Africa show it’s time to move on from biofuels fantasies

A new investigation by Transport and Environment has revealed widespread failings with the Italian oil giant’s biofuels projects.