Camille Corcoran talks to experts about investor-state dispute settlements, which allow fossil fuel companies to bring multi-billion dollar lawsuits against countries that pass green policies.
A small US town will soon be submerged by rising sea levels, but its residents' views have been mocked and dismissed on national TV. In an extract from her new book, Anne Helen Toomey explores failings in climate communication.
In an extract from his new book, Ståle Holgersen questions the idea that climate change presents an economic threat, arguing that capitalism is flexible enough to make money from both destroying and saving the planet - all at the same time.
Read our series of investigations on the UK’s biomass supply chain, watch clips from the BBC Newsnight documentary, and explore international news coverage.
Why was organic policy blamed for Sri Lanka’s financial crisis?
Academic research offers a different story from news media on Sri Lanka's short-lived ban on agrochemicals. Bertie Harrison-Broninski explores what really happened, and whether there's a future for national-scale organic policy.
Adaptation is not only about finance and technology - it is about visualising change. Bertie Harrison-Broninski reads John Vaillant's 'Fire Weather' and Stephen Robert Miller's 'Over the Seawall'.
Europe has lost 800 farmers a day since 2010 – the sector has real issues that need fixing. Backtracking on climate will only appease lobbyists, not protesters, says Thin Lei Win.
Will this week mark the end for the EU's corporate responsibility bill? That would be a shameful legacy for Germany's FDP, says Environmental Justice Foundation CEO Steve Trent
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