Collating the best research, writing and analysis.

Climate, ecology, development and economics: we cover the latest campaigns, research and policy.

Land and Climate Review provides analysis of the latest academic and policy research on the interactions between land use, economic theory, climate change and culture.

We welcome contributions from academics, researchers, activists and policymakers to help inform readers around the world. We also hope journalists researching these topics will find the resources useful.

Land and Climate Review is published by Culmer Raphael, an energy and environmental research consultancy. 

Our people

Alasdair MacEwen


Alasdair has worked in politics and government in Scotland, Spain, France, Brussels and London. He now works on climate policy and politics in the EU and UK.

Edward Robinson


Edward has spent over a decade working in climate change and environmental campaigns in the UK and EU. He has worked for Green Alliance in the UK and the European Climate Foundation in Brussels. With Alasdair, he co-founded Culmer Raphael in 2014 and Land and Climate Review in 2021.

Bertie Harrison-Broninski

Senior Editor

Bertie has worked on Land and Climate Review as an editor, investigator, and podcast host since it was founded in 2021. His investigations have recieved international coverage, including by Al Jazeera, BBC Newsnight, and Global News Canada

Camille Corcoran

Assistant Editor

Camille is a journalist and researcher conducting investigations and commissioning articles for Land and Climate Review. She has worked on investigations for the BBC, Channel 4, Private Eye and openDemocracy.

Sam Quashie-Idun

senior Investigative journalist

Sam is an experienced investigative journalist who has worked for major news organisations such CNN, NBC News and Sky News. He is the current Head of News Investigations at Greenpeace Africa and has an expertise in covering stories relating to race, climate, social justice and the African continent. 

Jaysim Hanspal

Investigative journalist

Jaysim is an investigative journalist at Land and Climate Review, and a researcher at Newsnight, the BBC’s flagship current affairs TV programme. She was previously Assistant Editor and Ghana Correspondent for Paris-based outlet The Africa Report, and has worked on investigations for OpenDemocracy, Spotlight on Corruption and John Sweeney’s book Hunting Ghislaine

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