Bioenergy explained...
Bioenergy already accounts for around 60% of all the renewable energy in Europe. As the world begins to phase out coal power, some countries see biomass as its successor fuel – but is burning trees and plant matter really a renewable and low carbon energy source?
Land and Climate Review hosts this collection to provide a definitive perspective on bioenergy – the science, the policy, and the big picture for the planet.
Introduction to Bioenergy

Forest bioenergy – key research
A regularly updated list of academic papers, links to think tank reports and other useful material on forest bioenergy.
The climate impact of burning wood for energy
Burning wood for power and heat has climate impacts, as the plant growth needed to offset emissions grows too slowly - and huge carbon stores are lost in combustion.
The scientific case against burning forest biomass for energy
As the EU looks to finalise the re-cast Renewable Energy Directive as part of the Fit for 55 package, this briefing examines the science against burning solid biomass for energy.
What is Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage? The BECCS for power basics.
Get an overview of the whole picture with BECCS: what it is, what projects are happening, and why it might not be such a good thing for the planet.
Information overload?
Get an overview of the conerns around the UK’s power biomass model in one image. Click to enlarge.
Alasdair MacEwen talks to Mighty Earth's Japan Director about the growth of the wood-burning industry in the country.
Edward Robinson revisits the controversial 2015 study - examining a 2018 summary document that restates its findings.
The survival of Europe’s most valuable – and threatened – wildlife and habitats depends on Natura 2000. By Siim Kuresoo of the Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF).
Alasdair MacEwen talks to Mighty Earth's Japan Director about the growth of the wood-burning industry in the country.
Edward Robinson revisits the controversial 2015 study - examining a 2018 summary document that restates its findings.
38 scientists have written a public letter to EU governments and the European Parliament over concerns around the Bioenergy Provisions of the Fit for 55 Plan.
Over 500 scientists sign a letter to President Biden, President von der Leyen, President Michel, Prime Minister Suga, and President Moon, warning of the dangers in burning trees for power.