Is fast fashion creating a textile waste crisis?

Bertie speaks to Sam Quashie-Idun about Greenpeace Africa’s new report “Fast Fashion, Slow Poison: The Toxic Textile Crisis in Ghana”.
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Last week, Greenpeace Africa published their new report “Fast Fashion, Slow Poison: The Toxic Textile Crisis in Ghana”. The report outlines the shocking environmental and public health impact of the second-hand clothing industry in Ghana – revealing that every week, up to half a million items of clothing from the Kantamanto Market in Accra end up discarded in open spaces and informal dumpsites.

Bertie speaks to the report’s author, Sam Quashie-Idun, about his findings, who is responsible for the harmful textile imports and what can be done to alleviate the problem.

Sam Quashie-Idun is Head of Investigations at Greenpeace Africa and a member of Land and Climate Review’s investigations unit.

You can read the report here and watch Sam’s Instagram video summarising its findings here.

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