Has the Africa Climate Summit been “hijacked by foreign interests”?

Bertie talks to Kenyan campaigner Omar Elmawi about the controversy surrounding McKinsey and other organisations involved with next week's inaugural Africa Climate Summit.
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At the beginning of August, hundreds of NGOs signed a letter to Kenyan President William Ruto, alleging that US and European governments and companies had “seized” the inaugural Africa Climate Summit due to begin in Nairobi on Monday 4th September, in order to “hijack Africa’s just energy transition”. 

Their criticism paid particular mention to international management consultancy McKinsey & Company, who were removed from the summit website and events calendar shortly after. President Ruto has denied that the summit has been “hijacked by foreign interests”, saying “African people will truly be represented” at the summit. Bertie spoke to one of the campaign leaders, Omar Elmawi, about these issues. 

President Ruto has denied that the summit has been “hijacked by foreign interests”, telling the BBC that “African people will truly be represented” at the summit. McKinsey declined to comment, or answer our questions, but directed us to this press conference, and the question at 0:57.

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