Is there still a case for hope on climate change?

Edward speaks to Dr Gergis about her experience as the lead author of Working Group 1 of the IPCC's latest assessment report (AR.6), as well as her own experiences of facing up to the scale of the challenges posed by a rapidly warming natural world.
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Joëlle Gergis (@joellegergis) is an award-winning climatologist and writer based at the Australian National University. Her latest book, Humanity’s Moment: A Scientist’s Case for Hope, is a passionate and unsparing look at what has been lost but also what can still be saved – and why should still have hope. Dr Gergis draws on her experience as the lead author of Working Group 1, of the IPCC’s latest assessment report (AR.6), as well as on her own experiences of facing up to the scale of the challenges posed by a rapidly warming natural world. She speaks to Edward Robinson. 

You can read more about Joëlle, including about her new podcast series at the Conversation, here and you can her order Humanity’s Moment from Island Press, here


Podcast editing by Vasko Kostovski. 


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